My thoughts of the T-party are pretty simple, a pack of barely informed religious nut-cases being played for fools by the corporate world, often demonstrating against their own best interests, with the added twist of barely suppressing their racism. That's just a first impression of course, maybe they are all really good folks with bad P.R.
I did see a picture of one carrying a sign decrying being ruled by government bureaucracy. Therein lies a hint to both how badly informed the T-party types are, and just how badly they are being played.
The liberal democracy that was the original United States was born in a rebellion against the government bureaucracy of King George III. Liberalism is the very core of a people whose only desire is to rule themselves, free of the overburden of government, churches, kings, tyrants, popes and princes.
And now, some 230 odd year later, also free from the overburden of corporations, international bankers, and robber barons.
Something that sails right over the heads of T-party types who regard liberalism as the enemy in their world. Not surprising since they are in the service of corporations whose real desire is to expand their own power without restraint. Clearly, a liberal population would rebel against corporate tyranny just as it has political tyranny.
If the T-party types ever pull their heads out of their collective asses, they might discover that the liberals, people who seek to be free from anyone dictating the quality of their lives and whose only desire is to rule themselves among themselves, might actually be far down the road of democracy. A liberal democracy is far from a perfect type of government, (human beings be far to young as an intelligent species to have worked much of anything out to perfection yet). But living with a government which is, at least to some small degree, responsive to the demands of the governed, is a far better arrangement that suffering under corporate tyranny that cares only for maximizing the profits of the few at the expense of the many.
That would make a real democracy a bad place for most T-party types; who seem determined to free the corporations of any restraint as well as installing a social dictatorship that establishes the "proper" religion, the acceptable make-up of a family, which recreational drugs one is allowed to enjoy, (alcohol and tobacco good, marijuana bad) and ensure that any idiot should be able to carry a maximum amount of firepower anywhere at anytime; church, school, or campus, and therefore be able to threaten the lives of as many people as bullets that will fit in the clip.
Exactly how it is that the T-party types see themselves as "freedom loving" is a bit of a mystery.
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