Thursday, September 13, 2012

Religious murder

A person reported to be a religious fundamentalist from one of the Christian sects, working with a person reported to be a religious fundamentalist from a different Christian sect, produced some low-rent, piece-of-shit YouTube movie in a deliberate attempt to provoke the Islamic insanity so often demonstrated in the last few years. It worked. At least 4 people are dead so far, who knows how many injured, and a good part of the world is sitting at the edge of chaos once again. It is exactly what the Christians intended, and the Muslims played along like the good little lunatics they keep denying that they are.

Tell me again how religion is a good thing in the world?  Christians and Muslims worship variations of the war god of Abraham. War is what they know. War is what they love. War is what they continue to inflict on the rest of humanity. Yet I am supposed to be "sensitive" to their religious illusions? For some reason I am supposed to be more tolerant of them then they are of each other. Shit, I am supposed to be sensitive to them though each and every one of them cherish the idea of their god torturing me, the humanistic atheist, forever in a lake of fire and brimstone. And yet, in a weird way that actually bothers me a little bit, I think I might understand.

Of course the Muslim world exploded in lunacy. The sad fact is most of the people in the Islamic world have been raised from infancy to believe that exploding in lunacy is what god wants them to do when anyone dares be the least bit critical of their religion. And in that world exists a small group of truly evil people who know how to exploit that world view to serve their own perverted lust for power. Not much different from those at Fox News and the backers of the T-party who know how to exploit the world view of many barely educated, religious Americans. (Gabby Giffords took a bullet in the brain, 6 died, and 17 were wounded - all after the right wing started their "paint a target on them" campaign. Lunatics, even those who are lunatics only because they were raised that way, are pretty easily manipulated.)

Of course the Muslim world exploded. The only way to free Muslims from their demented world view is by deliberately, but oh-so-gently, exposing them to the universe as it actually exists.  Clearly Muslims raised in a closed society like those of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, current Iran, and Egypt have a world view even more restrictive and insulated from reality than is that of fundamentalist Christians raised in the USA, people who do not have much of a grasp on reality either. Why should we expect anything more of Muslims in an Islamic world?

As for the mongrels who deliberately provoked violence and murder in order to show that their religion is better than that of Islam? They should simply be arrested and tried for being agents of terrorism. The movie they produced was not an attempt at speaking the truth about Islam. It had nothing to do with artistic impression or free speech. It was simply hate-filled propaganda, no more worthy of being protected as "free speech" than the propaganda the Nazi's made about the Jews. They intended to get people killed. They got people killed. That pretty much makes them murderers.

For you see, at least as far as I understand it, these two jackasses had the opportunity to know better.  They do not live in a closed society where information is restricted to that approved by the ruling, religious elite. They may be religious fundamentalists but they live in a free and open society. To put it bluntly, they have no fucking excuse. They are, simply, murderous propagandists with a demented agenda. The rational world is free, indeed compelled, to prevent such people from doing even more harm.

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