There is the usual Republican blather going on about impeaching the Democrat in the White House. It is pathetic; really, really pathetic. These are the same people who cheered on the Bush / Cheney horror show of ineptness, propaganda, war, torture and economic collapse. These are some of the same people who, unable to beat Bill Clinton in two elections, impeached him and succeeded only in making him one of the most popular Presidents ever. At least, in the Clinton case, they had an actual - as in real - scandal to start with. With Benghazi they are taking a true national tragedy and trying to fabricate a scandal to exploit to their advantage. (Just typing that sentence reminds me of how loathsome the T-party / Republicans have become.)
And yet ...
... there are days, more and more of them actually, when I wonder if Obama shouldn't be impeached. Not for Benghazi, and not by the mad hatters of the T-party. But for truly criminal acts, and by people who actually support democracy and justice in the world.
For if Bush and Cheney are war criminals, and there is little doubt that is true, then Obama is one as well. Not only did he continue the debacles that were Iraq and is still Afghanistan, but he expanded the Bush drone wars beyond the point of no return. Another layer of murder and aggression has been added to the world, that of machine killers roaming the skies undetectable, virtually unstoppable, and totally outside the purview of any democratic oversight. By all accounts Barack Obama picks people, people who live half a world away whose arsenal is basically battered pick-up trucks and home made bombs, declares them a threat to National Security, and has them executed. I would think murder is an impeachable offence.
It is hard for us to grasp just how horrible this drone war is, but try to imagine this. Obama discovers the Boston bombers and is on to their plan. They haven't done anything yet and no one in the neighborhood knows what they are about. But in the middle of the night a massive explosion suddenly destroys the house they are in. Houses nearby are also badly damaged or destroyed. The two bombers are obliterated, a few of their friends (even those not in on the plot) are also vaporised. A couple of children sleeping next door are killed by the concussion. A few more houses away several more die from shrapnel wounds. Dozens are injured, some losing limbs, others blinded for life. But "National Security" has been served. Can one imagine for an instant that Obama would not be impeached the very next day? Certainly jailed. Perhaps executed?
In spite of all of the talk to the contrary, the Obama White House and Wall Street criminals are two peas in a pod. Some of the very people who crashed the economy and belong in jail are, instead, ruling the roost at 1900 Pennsylvania Ave. The Obama Justice Department (a misnomer if ever there was one) has dismissed any notion of upholding the law when it comes to the financial big-wigs of New York. One would think that appointing criminals to high office and helping them to perpetrate one of the most massive acts of fraud in human history, is an impeachable offence.
Not many actually think of the President being a direct beneficiary of criminal acts. But imagine that some of this loot could be traced and was found deposited directly into one of Obama's bank accounts? Is there any doubt he would be hounded from office within days, if not hours? Yet how much money is Obama going to make giving speeches to these very same people after he leaves office? How well is he going to be paid for "access"? That money came from the IRAs and out of the mortgage payments looted by the very same bankers what will be writing the checks, which will go directly into Obama's bank accounts.
It is no mystery why, by all accounts, the Obama White house is so secretive it makes the Nixon regime look like the choir boys of openness. The activities of this government couldn't stand the scrutiny of a candle, let alone the blazing light of day.
The Obama White House is a criminal organization. Sadly the T-party / Republicans who want to impeach him are even worse criminals, and bat-shit crazy to boot. The idea of agreeing with them on anything, even the idea of impeaching a President who probably should be impeached, just makes my skin crawl. Removing Obama from office becomes a bad idea because it gives a political victory to people who are worse. So leaving a war and Wall Street criminal in office is the best option we have.
See how far we have fallen.
Is is hard to envision a way out of this hole. A corrupt government attracts corrupt people, who then debase the political system even more. Even should the occasional honest person slip through the cracks and be elected to national office, the corrupt people surrounding them limit their influence to the occasional sound bite and way off the reservation blog post. When city hall is run by criminals justice has no chance. When the insane asylum is run by the inmates there is no hope that anyone can be cured. When a nation is run by the criminally insane?
When many nations are run by the criminally insane?
But, perhaps, therein lies our hope. There is a growing, stark contrast between the nations who have lost their collective minds and those that have not. In a world tied together by communications and travel the crazy are finding it harder and harder to hide while the non-crazy can start to ask questions. World wide there just might be the first shoots of individuals and small groups starting to ask the questions all tyrants fear. As technology reaches further and further down the economic pyramid even the poorest can join in the questioning. Pretty soon technology will talk and listen. Even those so poor that a basic education in literacy has passed them by will be be able to access information from around the world, and reach out to people across the globe.
When that happens "nations" don't mean much. Which also means political agendas don't mean as much either. It is becoming easier and easier to exchange ideas, much less easy to impose them. I can, and have, shared the thoughts of people who want nothing more than to live unmolested, to care for those they love, and be at peace with those they don't know. It doesn't matter where they live they are my allies, I can consider them friends, and we have much more in common than I will ever have with a T-party mad-person or a Barack Obama. At some point, when a drone missile falls into a neighborhood, I will be able to reach out and touch the family living next door to the impact sight, see the devastation wrought, watch the funeral of their kids who were out playing in the front yard. They will be able to ask me directly,"Why?" And I will have to come up with an answer that will define my humanity.
All of us will.
And then we can start climbing out of this hole.
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