Monday, September 23, 2013

It's about time ...

I have gone so far off the reservation as to be pretty much off the grid as well; and have put even more distance between myself and the society and politics of the current US of A. Such distance has provided a different focus.

There appear to be three parties in the US political system now; Democrat, Republican, and T-Party. The Republican and T-Party have only two things in common; they loathe the current President with utter abandon while hating Democrats with slightly less of a fever. Dig a little deeper and it appears the T-party also hates Republicans, but finds the Party necessary as a doorway to power. Left to stand on their own as a political Party, it isn’t likely there would be more than a small hand full of T-Party types on the national stage. In fact, given a three way open election in any congressional district, where the T-Party and the Republican candidates split the conservative vote, it is likely the Democrats would control all branches of the Federal government into the foreseeable future.

It is just barely possible that such a Democratically controlled future would allow the US to become a tenable and functioning democracy once again; barely possible but still unlikely. The roots of America’s decline go much deeper than Democrats or Republicans or T-party. Access to money controls all three and the money flows uncontrolled, unreported, and uninterrupted by any considerations of vice, bribery, or influence peddling. So long are there are no controls restricting the buying of political power by the wealthy few, democracy is on life support and fading fast.

It takes a fully functioning and strong democracy to keep the moneyed interests at bay and allow the economy to function to the benefit of all. Capitalism only works when it is tightly controlled and carefully regulated. There have to be strong unions (or some other mechanism that protects the interests of those who actually do the work), banks that do not function like gamblers in the stock and commodities markets, and judges who realize that economic justice is inseparable from social justice. Business is just a part of a fully functional society. Governing is much more than running a business.

Unfortunately most Americans, and certainly virtually all American politicians (even Democrats), suffer from the illusion that “capitalism” is equal to liberty; all evidence to the contrary. So long as that illusion persists (and is reinforced by the relentless propaganda machine of the capitalists) America will continue to fade from the leading edge of human history. Such history is clearly flowing away from the rule of the power elite as information becomes readily available to more and more people. Yet the US falls every more deeply into the control of business interests unfettered by a weakened and dysfunctional government.

The continuing decline of the US based on the worship of wealth and greed is being enhanced by the worship of war and violence. Gun laws are not so much a means to curb violence as a reflection of a society’s attitude toward violence. A society which values the life and liberty of its citizens will enact gun laws that reflect those values. A society that values violence, war, and above all the profit margins of gun manufactures, will enact gun laws reflecting those values. People who love guns love violence. People who love violence are not long for the world. Societies who love violence will leave a short arc in history. The love of violence alone, or the worship of capitalism alone, would be enough to bring down a democracy. The US is lurching along doing both.

So the current disarray in the Federal and many state governments shouldn’t be a surprise. What else would a failing democracy look like? Corruption, bribery, propaganda, a falling living standard, faltering education standards, a return to religious fanaticism and the belief in various kinds of magic; this is exactly what should be expected as a society turns away from reason and democracy and embraces the “leadership” of soothsayers and witchdoctors, popes and preachers, strongmen and robber barons.

Eventually though, these false prophets will be unmasked. The US has, for generations, believed in the promises of unregulated capitalism. The vast majority are poorer, hungrier, sicker, live shorter lives, and knows less joy as a result of their faith, and they fully expect their children will not have it any better. They have voted for the politicians vetted by a capitalist system and their promises of liberty and prosperity and a glowing future have proven false as well. Religion has failed as well. Instead of love of peace the various worshipers of the god of Abraham have engaged in the wholesale slaughter of the innocents. From the all-out wars launched by a Christian America on a string of Muslim countries, to the terrorism of Islam against all reason, to the continued land-grab of the Zionists, no one on earth is safe from a religious extremist seeking to kill at the command of a demented god.

As the prophets fall people will find liberty and build a new society. Religion claims to be stronger than ever, but the claim is suspect and the support maybe shallow. How many murdering Islamists will it take to discredit Islam? How many poor will it take in America before the capitalists are rejected? How far back will the civil rights of women and minorities be shoved before all liberty loving people cry, “Enough”?

I’m finding more and more people out here, off the reservation and near the edge of the grid. The near universal world view is one of rejecting top-down power structures in any guise. Capitalism and American politics have done personal and real harm to people; often being the catalyst for their change of heart. Retirement funds have been stolen, houses lost, medical care denied, and no politician anywhere notices, cares, or talks of changing the system. And while many exhibit a deep spirituality and love, only a hand full regularly step foot in a church.

This system is failing, but, out here, that is not only expected but applauded. Out here the feeling is, “It’s about time.”

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