Robin Williams died today of an
apparent suicide. It may seem strange that I noticed or cared, given
my contempt for America's celebrity culture is deep and long
standing. But I enjoyed his manic humor and was touched by his work
in “Good Will Hunting”, “Dead Poets Society”, and “Patch
Adams”. He was, to me, a celebrity because he was an artist and thus in his own unique way a speaker of truth.
Truth is a rare commodity in our world.
Politics is devoid of truth, as is religion. Business cares only
for profit and will sacrifice truth, without thought, if a single
penny can be added to the bottom line. So the loss of anyone who speaks to
the truth of the human condition is a loss to be noted and felt.
There is another sad truth to his
passing. With all the resources available to him, a loving family,
money, access to the best health care available, and a community of people who respected his
work, he was still unable to win a battle with depression. Just
being a human was too heavy a burden for him to carry and his
illness made death preferable to life. That is a sad and sobering
I don't suffer from depression, which
might seem odd given my generally poor view of human kind. One would
think that being a member of a species as demented and self
destructive as is ours would be enough to depress anyone. This is
particularly true given the head long rush to insanity that drives
every day's headlines. But, somehow, I bumble along finding tiny bits of joy midst the chaos. We humans are likely a failed attempt
in the evolution of a conscious universe. But a failed experiment is
not a bad experiment so long as something is learned. Even as we fail there and things to discover, children and grand children to love, and adventures to seek and enjoy.
Humans have proved that tribalism and
hate will undo any society, regardless of its promise of intelligence
and curiosity. It appears that true intelligence requires the skills
of a tool maker for, without tools, learning and curiosity are
truncated. Without tools there is no ability to spread intelligence across the
cosmos. But the tools of war based on tribalism and hate will negate
an otherwise promising history.
Anyway, Robin Williams died today. The
world is a slightly sadder place.
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